Saskia Overzee

Even though painting was her first love, photography is often the base of her work today. 
Inspired by Paul de Nooijers’ lessons at the school of arts she developed a great passion for photography. The photograph (both analog and digital) is, and always has been, the start of a creative process, instead of the end. 
Both taken and found photographs are combined. 
Various subjects recur in her work, but very often nature is close by. She takes reality and disguises truths and adds dreams to create beauty.
Words and quotes are added in combination, or as contradiction to the images as an extra layer. Those layers are the essence of her work.

By the name SAM-MAKING-BOOKS Amanda Butterworth (graphic design) and Saskia selfpublished two books in the last couple of years. The dummy of the third book is on its way to Arles for this year’s Dummy Book Award.

An inventory of the world. 
Saskia: “I want to zoom into details and find the beauty in reality. There is too much truth and too little dream. Photography is the framing of a part of a particular moment in a particular way.”